Private Life of a Busty Woman

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Korean Movie | 2024

회원 전용

Directed by Kim Kang-il-I (김강일)

70min | Release date in South Korea:

Scene 1. (Rented room) A woman who doesn't know how to install a camera calls a technician to install a hidden camera without the knowledge of her boyfriend. Once the technician leaves, she immediately invites her boyfriend to her house to enjoy hot sex.

Scene 2. (Lustful woman) A couple lost track of time when they were having sex at a motel. The man points the camera at the woman, begging her to caress various parts of him, and the woman, who is even more excited by the sight of their sex being filmed, also aggressively pounces at him. As they head toward climax, the woman's cell phone starts ringing in their ears.

Scene 3. (Noona next door) A man invites his older female friend next door to his house. He asks her to film him with his camera and talks about her. He says she seems to have slept with every man in the neighborhood except himself. The woman gives back the camera to him, saying that she is a naughty girl who only serves her food and that he must get revenge thoroughly. Will revenge be successful?


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