Glamour That Ignites Sexual Desire

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Korean Movie | 2023

회원 전용

Directed by Ahn Seo-young (안서영)

72min | Release date in South Korea:

An erotic film about the stories of various couples.

Scene 1. (Memories just for the two of us) Chang-soo's friends gathered for his housewarming party. While waiting for Min-hee, who has not arrived yet, Chang-soo, together with So-yeong and Hoon-yi, talk about various things. After a while, when Min-hee arrives and the drinking party is about to start, So-yeong suddenly leaves, saying that it is time to take Hoon-yi. When the two are left alone, Chang-soo says, "Those kids only bought alcohol and left?". After hearing this, Min-hee takes out the alcohol from the refrigerator and starts drinking it with Chang-soo. Shortly afterwards, she complains that she is already drunk and needs to sleep, so Chang-soo takes Min-hee to his room and they sleep together in one bed. Meanwhile, Hoon-yi, who was dragged out, starts to get irritated by So-yeong, asking her why she brought him, but So-yeong begins to reprimand him, saying, "Why are you so tactless?" She then explains that he has no idea the remaining two people like each other, and she also added that those 'things' will only happen when a man and a woman are all alone. After hearing that, Hoon-yi approaches So-yeong, saying, "Aren't we in the same situation?".

Scene 2. (Helper) A man leisurely spends his holiday, but he is so bored that he doesn't know what to do. He tries to play zombie by himself, screams, and tries all kinds of things, but he's still bored. Even his female friend, who called him for the first time in a while, doesn't play with him and just told him to find something else to play by himself. While he was really looking for something to play with by himself, his female helper appeared, who would make his stuff huge.


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