[Video] Trailer Released for the Upcoming Korean Movie "Tales of Nobody"

Trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "Tales of Nobody"


"Tales of Nobody" (2022)

Directed by Seo Dong-heon

With Jung Ga-eun, Kwak Pil-je, Kim Yi-hyun, No Jin-won, Na Mi-hee, Shin Gi-ru,...

A woman who crosses the line between past and present!

'Lee Seon' dreamed of becoming a wise mother and wife, leaving her unfortunate past behind.
But there was no proper man in this world!

Thinking that starting over was the only way out, she dreams of a new love by faking suicide.

Absurdly, 'Lee Seon' faced a real death!

The moment your breath stops, the seven-day time slip door opens to look back on past relationships...

Will her love be rewarded?

Release date in Korea : 2023/01/12