[Video] Trailer released for the Korean movie 'Sketch'

Trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "Sketch"

"Sketch" (2014)

Directed by Lee Hyeok-jong

With Park Jae-jung, Go Eun-ah,...

The world's greatest sketch of love between a torn man and a woman begins here.

Soo-yeon is a nameless artist who has passion and talent. It's her only dream and reason of life to hang her pictures in a gallery. However, unlike her expectations, the world doesn't recognize her talent and only forces unreasonable compromise. She continues everyday with resentment and pain from the world. Chang-min (Park Jae-jung) has a special talent which allows him to feel a person's feelings; he feels her pain and pities her. He was born with a gift he didn't ask for and has experienced abandonment from his loved ones. He feels love for Soo-yeon and so does she. Meanwhile, Soo-hyeon is given a dangerous offer to compromise with authority if she wanted to see light as an artist.

Release date in Korea : 2014/03/27

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