[Video] 30s Trailer Released for the Upcoming Korean Movie "AND THERE WAS LIGHT"

30s trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "AND THERE WAS LIGHT"



Directed by Kim Ji-seok-I

With Kang Gil-woo, Park Ga-young, Kang Hyun-joong, Yoon Jung-wook,...

A man determines to kill himself every day, but continues with his life because he forgets to end himself due to alcoholic dementia. A severely alcoholic woman is living her life under grief and helplessness. These two utter strangers run into each other and happen to sit down for a drink. Seemingly, for no particular reason, she exploits the man's sparse memory and installs a false-memory of herself as a previous lover, which he surprisingly believes. The two then set off to finish their lives together. Though nothing seems to make sense, "AND THERE WAS LIGHT" brings the sense of realism and ignites our curiosity. The bizarre, gloomy, and ludicrous ambiance from the early parts of the film turn into a charming and soothing love story as they begin their journey. (JUNG Hanseok)

Release date in Korea : 2022/02/10

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