The views on Kim Hyun-joong

Is Kim Hyun-joong the victim or did he really hit his ex-girlfriend and cause a miscarriage?

There doesn't seem to be an end to Kim Hyun-joong and the right with his ex-girlfriend, Choi. In May last year, Choi claimed Kim abused her and caused her to lose the child she was pregnant with. The fight is still ongoing today.

There are two different views towards Kim Hyun-joong. Some criticize that he's immoral and a disappointment while others say that he's the victim of a very bad woman.

Kim was fined 5 million won in January for violence and everyone thought that would be that. However, Choi created a bigger case. She sued him for compensation of 1.6 billion won in April.

Choi claims that she lost her child because Kim hit her while she was pregnant and that she was suffering from mental instability. However, it turns out that she had received 600 million won in settlement after she told the world that she was abused. Critics turned to Choi. Many had thought Kim was the 'bad one' but now the views have been divided.

A media source told OSEN, "Choi liked Kim a lot. She was in love with him. She even wanted to follow him to the set he was working on. It's sad they had to come to this".

Kim's legal authorities can't trust Choi's statement. They claim there was no miscarriage due to abuse and have decided to deal with this legally. Kim's attorneys claimed fraud in criminal investigations and compensation in civil case. Lawyer Lee Jae-man said, "Choi claims to have lost her child but she's not bringing forth any solid evidence of it. If she had any, she would've showed it to us already but she's lying".

About the pregnancy, Lee Jae-man said, "The biggest issue here is if she miscarried the baby or not. She claims the child was his so we are asking for ultrasonic pictures but she's changing the story. Kim's parents claim they will take responsibility if the child is really Kim's". Kim and his legal attorney are suspicious of Choi's claim of pregnancy and that's because Choi isn't showing them anything in evidence.

To summarize, Choi sued Kim in May and July last year for physical violence. Kim released a letter of apology in September and the case seemed to go away as Choi cancelled all charges; however, in January this year, she called Kim to say she was pregnant yet again".

Why did Choi go ahead and restart the fire? If she really is pregnant, then why isn't she showing any evidence? It's sad that they are going at each other when they should be congratulated for being responsible for creating new life.

Kim Hyun-joong is currently serving his country in the military since the 19th of June.

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