[Spoiler] 'Please Come Back, Mister' reveals the betrayer who got rid of all the evidences

On the 7th episode of SBS' Wednesday & Thursday drama, "Please Come Back, Mister", Lee Haejoon (Rain) was shocked when he saw Jeong Jihoon (Yoon Park).

Lee Haejoon was waiting to see who was going to appear in front of him brining the bribe he had returned. The person who finally appeared in front of him was Jeong Jihoon. Lee Haejoon was shocked. He asked, "Why are you here. What's your true identity? Who is the one above you?".

Jeong Jihoon answered brazenly, "It doesn't seem you don't know the answer". The one who had broken the closed circuit TV that had captured Kim Yeongsoo and also destroyed all the recovered files was Jeong Jihoon.

As Lee Haejoon realized what had been happening, he yelled, "The one who was always a step ahead of me and has been getting rid of all the evidences closely following me around so far, was it you? You shouldn't be this trashy", However, Jeong Jihoon confronted, saying, "We're no different in terms of taking advantage of the people around us".

Lee Haejoon still couldn't believe that Jeong Jihoon had done all those things. He out of frustration yelled again, "How can you see Da-hye (Lee Min-jung) and Hanna (Lee Re) after you've done all these things"

Jeong Jihoon continued, "Kim Yeongsoo was the error in Sin Da-hye's life any ways. Do you know what the worst thing he had done? He died leaving Sin Da-hye behind, whether it was a suicide or not".

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