[Spoiler] "Black Knight - 2017" Shin Se-kyung's Hard Life

The first episode of the new KBS 2TV drama "Black Knight - 2017" depicted Jeong Hae-ra's (Shin Se-kyung's) difficult life. Hae-ra is a woman with a lot of hardship in her life: her boyfriend scammed her of her moneyl she is bullied by her superiors, and there is debt in her name that she does not know about.

Her luck plummeted once her parents died, leaving her impoverished. She found work at a travel agency where she is slapped by those higher in rank. The man who was supposed to be her rock turned out to be a conman who uses women for money. He had lied that he was a prosecutor because he felt badly for her.

What made Hae-ra break was that her aunt had taken the deposit for the house, a home that she'd gotten a loan to buy. The dilapidated home was on preserved land that people were forbidden to inhabit.

All of these hardships combined made her wish for death. A thought from her childhood about a cashmere coat her parents had given her gave her a little hope. Perhaps if she wore it she could go back to how things had once been. She visited a tailor shop and met Sharon (Seo Ji-hye) who had been living there for two hundred years.

At the end of the episode, Hae-ra's life finally changed.

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