[Photos] New Character Posters Added for the Upcoming Korean Movie "New Normal"

New character posters added for the upcoming Korean movie "New Normal" (2022)


Directed by Jeong Beom-sik

With Choi Ji-woo, Lee Yoo-mi, Choi Minho, P.O, Ha Da-in, Jeong Dong-won,...

New Normal is another captured record of 4 days in Seoul, 2022, which is a time of chaos that all the mankind never have been experienced before in entire human history.
It depicts the unexpected risks and identity of fears that are hidden in everyday life and common space. And eventually, it provides the essence of "a quite different suspense' making it difficult to expect the ending. In addition, the combination of prominent actors such as Choi Ji-woo, Lee Yoo-mi, Choi Minho, P.O, Jeong Dong-won, and Ha Da-in, who played common beings in our everyday life, and their role amplifies the suspense of the film.
This prophecy is about the era of "New Normal" that we are living in now and requires new definitions in all aspects and relationships, and full of insight into the new present and daily life with cleverly weaved suspense.

Release date in Korea : 2023/11/08