[Photos] Added new poster for the Korean animated movie 'The Senior Class'

Added new poster for the upcoming Korean animated movie "The Senior Class" (2016)

Directed by Hong Deok-pyo

With Lee Joo-seung, Kang Jin-ah, Jung Young-ki, Jang Hyuk-jin,...

Perfect student and hottest girl of the school Joo-hee is rumored to be in the 'ten-pro' industry and her youth is ruined.
Why does my first love have to be you?
Joo-hee (Kang Jin-ah) is majoring in pure arts and dreams of going to France. She's a role model for everyone as she is beautiful and talented. Jeong-woo (Lee Joo-seung) is her fellow schoolmate who is a web-toon writer wannabe and he likes Joo-hee but he doesn't dare approach her.

One day, Jeong-woo finds out that Joo-hee is a student in the day but a 'ten-pro' call girl at night. They become close now that they share a secret. Materially and emotionally, Jeong-woo helps Joo-hee as she wants to graduate with lots of money and with high grades. However, Jeong-woo's first Dong-hwa (Jung Young-ki) also find out Joo-hee's secret and all sorts of rumors and X-files about her begging to spread.

Release date in Korea : 2016/12

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