Lee Beom-soo Under Investigation, Joo Young-hoon Resigns

Actor Lee Beom-soo and singer-songwriter Joo Young-hoon who are professors at the same university, now take different paths.


Joo Young-hoon told Star News on the 8th that he resigned due to various unreasonable tyranny of the head of Shinhan University dean of academic affairs.

Joo Young-hoon has served as a full-time professor of K-Pop major in the Department of Performing Arts at Shinhan University since 2014, but recently resigned.

Shinhan University also told Star News on the same day, "Joo Young-hoon's resignation as a professor has nothing to do with Professor Lee Beom-soo".

Lee Beom-soo, who serves as the dean of the Department of Performing Arts at Dong University, has been embroiled in controversy over discrimination against students and overuse of power. It is claimed that Lee Beom-soo discriminated against the wealthy and students who are not by dividing them into classes A and B ahead of the end of the semester.

In addition, suspicions have been raised that Lee Beom-soo set the class schedule at will or swore at students.

In this regard, Lee Beom-soo's side has denied all controversies, calling it 'groundless'.

Shinhan University is currently conducting a special investigation into Lee Beom-soo. The legal audit team launched an investigation after the report on Lee Beom-soo was made. However, it has not been known in detail until now when the results of the investigation will be released.