Road Kill

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Road Kill

Korean Movie | 2018

로드킬 | ro-deu kil


Directed by Lee Soo-sung (이수성)

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96min | Release date in South Korea:

After a car accident in the mountains, Oh Gwang wakes up in Mr. Jang's house. Oh Gwang, a vicious real estate agent, finds himself rescued by the Jang family who are isolated from society due to heavy rains that cut them off everything, including landlines. The Jangs try to stop Oh Gwang who is in a hurry to leave in order to settle a developing contract. However, he leaves the house anyway and hurts himself.

Despite their kindness, the family seems to be hiding from him. Little does he know that a vicious deed from his past involves the family and he's not as safe with them as he seems.


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