Pororo Popstar Adventure

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Pororo Popstar Adventure

Korean Movie | 2023

뽀로로 극장판 슈퍼스타 대모험 | ppo-ro-ro geuk-jang-pan syu-peo-seu-ta dae-mo-heom


Directed byKim Sung-min-VIII (김성민)Yoon Je-wan (윤제완)

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77min | Release date in South Korea:

Pororo and his friends go on an adventure to participate in the ‘Bluedol Superstar Contest’, a music festival that selects the best superstar in the entire universe.

With the help of the passionate manager 'Scat' who appears in front of Pororo and his friends who crash-landed on the blue stone planet, 'Pororo Band' manages to make it to the exciting preliminary stage.

Meanwhile, the villain 'Big Ben' participates in the competition with the perfect AI idol 'I-One' in order to win the competition with 'Scat', but feels threatened by the unexpected popularity of 'Pororo Band' and ends up sabotaging Pororo, and friends face a sudden crisis ahead of their final performance...

In December, a very special adventure begins for the Pororo Band, who love playing the best!


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