Korea Wins Six at Asia Pacific Film Fest

South Korean films won the majority of the awards at the 51st Asia Pacific Film Festival which concluded November 25th in Taipei after a four day run. All-time record holder "The Host" did extremely well, winning three awards: Best Editing for Kim Sun-min, Best Sound for CHOI Tae-yeong, and Best Supporting Actor for Byun Hee-bong.

Both Best Actor and Actress awards were won by South Koreans. Child actor Lee Jae-eung took the Best Actor award for his central role in "Bravo, My Life" ("Mommy, Dearest"). Actress Son Ye-jin picked up an award for her lead role in melodrama "April Snow" by director Hur Jin-ho.

Finally, director SEON Ji-yeon took the Best Short Film award for Atomic Punch, My Darling. A seven-member jury headed by Taiwanese director Hsing Lee judged the films.

The purpose of the festival is to promote the regional film industry and strengthen ties in the Asia-Pacific filmmaking community.

Nigel D'Sa (KOFIC)
