Koo Hye-sun Displays Her Versatility

Actress Koo Hye-sun is again appealing to women in their 20s, after being pursued by the rich boy in the recent Cinderella tale drama "Boys over Flowers", this time with a novel. Published on April 1, "Tango" is a hit, selling more than 30,000 copies in only a week after its release. It is an illustrated novel portraying a 20-something girl who grows into a real woman by going through love and heartache. The enthusiasm for the novel among young women readers can be attributed to a vivid, realistic character they find it easy to identify with. Koo reportedly felt more pleased to see the book published because she almost lost the manuscript on her laptop in a car accident on her way back home from a location shoot for "Boys over Flowers". The actress is apparently determined to reveal her versatility now. Besides publishing the novel and enjoying great popularity with the drama, she has also directed a short film, "The Cheerful Caretaker", which got shortlisted for the 2009 Busan Asian Short Film Festival.

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