Ko So-young is about to come back on big screen soon

It is said that A-list actress Ko So-young is about to come back on big screen.

Since she got married to her actor husband Jang Dong-gun, who co-starred in the romance movie, 'Love Wind, Love Song', 1998, she has been staying away from any formal acting career so far.

According to multiple sources in movie industry, although many scenarios have been sent to her, she has rejected all the offers for various reasons. However, the sources say it is evident she has started considering the offers actively.

During her interview with a fashion magazine last year, Ko So-young said, "He always reviews scenarios with me and shares his ideas about it. Not as a fellow actor. But for it's more for his wife" She also mentioned "Jang Dong-gun pays more detailed attention and supports me in terms of selecting my next project".

Ko So-young had said at the time "I'd like to balance parenting as a mom and my acting career as an actress and do both well".

Since Ko So-young emerged as a beautiful actress through the horror movie, 'The Fox with Nine Tails', 1994, she later successfully established her position as the iconic youth star for her role Ro-mi in 'Beat', 1997.

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