[HanCinema's News] Hype Continues to Build for Kim Da-mi

By William Schwartz on 2019/06/26 at 19:59 PST

Kim Da-mi has been a hot topic lately. Her name has come up in association with the upcoming drama "Itaewon Class". However, expectations are also high for an anticipated sequel "The Witch : Part 2. The Other One" to "The Witch : Part 1. The Subversion".

As a result interest in her older social media work has been spiking. This picture was taken in 2017 back when Kim Da-mi was still in college and working as a fitting model. It was taken by the online photographer joooorish and posted to Instagram. Kim Da-mi was at the time studying performing arts at Incheon University, as yet undiscovered.

Written by William Schwartz

William Schwartz

Staff writer. Has been writing articles for HanCinema since 2012, having lived in South Korea since 2011. Started out in Gyeongju, then to Daegu, then to Ansan, then to Yeongju, then to Seoul, lived on the road for HanCinema's travel diaries series in the summer of 2016, and is currently settled in Anyang. Has good tips for utilizing South Korea's public bus system. William Schwartz can be contacted via william@hancinema.net. He also has a substack at williamschwartz.substack.com where he discusses the South Korean film industry in broader terms and takes suggestions for future movies to review.

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