"Golden Rainbow" UEE and Kim You-jung

After School UEE and kid actress Kim You-jung look very much alike.

Previews of the new MBC drama "Golden Rainbow" show look-alike shots of the whole cast including the two.

Pictures of UEE, Jung Il-woo, Cha Ye-ryun and Lee Jae-yoon were line up with the pictures of the little stars who would be playing them.

UEE is lined up with Kim You-jung, Jung Il-woo with Oh Jae-moo, Cha Ye-ryun with Song Yoo-jung and Lee Jae-yoon with Seo Young-joo.

In the roles of Baek Won, UEE and Kim You-jung look very much alike.

"Golden Rainbow" is the success story of seven orphan siblings and will be broadcasted in November after "Scandal".

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