"My Dearest" to Extend One Episode

MBC's Friday-Saturday drama "My Dearest" has confirmed the extended broadcast of the first episode.


MBC said, "We carefully reviewed the much-loved "My Dearest" extended broadcast, and we finally decided to do the extended broadcast in the first episode", adding, "We will work more on important scenes in the second half to improve the quality of the work and the completeness of the story".

MBC's Friday-Saturday drama "My Dearest" (planned by Hong Seok-woo/directed by Kim Sung-yong, Lee Han-joon, Jeon Soo-jin/written by Hwang Jin-yeong), which has been loved by viewers by depicting heartbreaking fates of Lee Jang-hyeon (Namkoong Min) and Yoo Gil-chae (Ahn Eun-jin), has maintained its position in the 'throne' by maintaining the first place in the same time zone and the first place in the Friday-Saturday drama since the start of Part 2 broadcast on October 13th. In addition, in October, it won the honor of being selected as 'Korean's favorite program', solidifying its position as a popular drama both in name and reality.

Meanwhile, MBC said about the decision to extend the broadcast, "It is a decision to properly express the deep love story of Jang-hyun and Gil-chae and the speedy return of the prisoners.".

MBC Friday-Saturday drama "My Dearest" is a drama about the love of lovers and the vitality of the people who are conflicted through the Manchu War and the 18th episode of "My Dearest" will air at 9:50 PM on November 10th.