[Video] Teaser Released for the Upcoming Korean Drama "Woori the Virgin"

Teaser released for the upcoming Korean drama "Woori the Virgin".

Teaser 3


"Woori the Virgin" (2022)

Directed by Jeong Jeong-hwa

Written by Jeong Jeong-hwa

Network: SBS

With Im Soo-hyang, Hong Eun-hee, Yun Woon-kyung, Sung Hoon, Joo Jin-mo-I, Kim Soo-ro,...

14 episodes - Mon, Tue 22:00
Formerly known as "Miss Mom Jane" (미쓰맘 제인, mi-sseu-mam je-in) and "Jane The Virgin" (제인 더 버진, je-in deo beo-jin)
"Woori the Virgin" is a Korean version of an American drama about a woman who keeps her virginal purity according to her grandmother's wishes, getting pregnant due to the doctor's mistake during a regular check-up.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2022/05/09