Petition for Cho Jae-hyun and Kim Ki-duk's Punishment Resurfaces

A national petition demanding punishment for actor Cho Jae-hyun and director Kim Ki-duk is out.


A post titled, "A petition for Cho Jae-hyun and Kim Ki-duk's arrest investigation" surfaced on the Blue House homepage. It's been two months since the numerous petitions requesting for Cho and Kim's closed inspection regarding the charges on sexual assault last month on the 7th.

The petition states, "The contents of the show "PD Notes" was shocking. Kim Ki-duk and Cho Jae-hyun are a team of rapists and we don't understand why they haven't been questioned until now. If what we saw is true, they should be arrested and put through investigations right away".

"Measures should be made so that nothing like that ever happens in the showbiz anymore. We plead for Kim Ki-duk and Cho Jae-hyun who raped and assaulted women in the name of 'art' to be punished".

Previously on this day, the Soo Hyun-jae Theater established by Cho Jae-hyun started a new show that hinted that Cho Jae-hyun was moving again. The theater claimed the show is coming out but it has nothing to do with Cho Jae-hyun. Regarding news about its shutdown in June this year, the theater claims they are in the process.

Meanwhile, Cho Jae-hyun was charged with rape and sexual assault by #metoo victims in February.