[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Punch - Drama" Episode 17

This episode of "Punch - Drama" goes to the ladies. As former Minister Yoon quickly degrades into a shell of a human being, Ha-kyeong again proves her mettle. It is she who grounds the episode and gives it heart while the bad guys race to silence her and end Jung-hwan.


One initial wrong on the part of Yoon has spawned many lies and shady dealings to cover it up. The lies multiply at an alarming rate until they have twisted Yoon into the husk of a woman. Along with her runs Ho-seong, a man who chose to follow her in order to do right, but takes a similarly dark and highly unrighteous path to do so. With the excuse that they will stop once Tae-joon has been taken down, they continue to do wrong. What Jung-hwan and Ha-kyeong have shown viewers throughout the run of "Punch - Drama" is that it's not just the end goal, but the path taken to reach it that makes a man or woman truly human.

Jung-hwan has finally decided to take responsibility for his actions, as Ha-kyeong has wanted all along. She chooses to marry him again because of this, and it's such a beautiful way to come full circle, even if nothing else is resolved. Jung-hwan's personal growth has peaked at a strong, vibrant point. Having it peak before the penultimate and ultimate episodes is nicely timed. Of course, we want him to get back on his feet and kick bad guy butt, but in terms of his character arch, it's come a long way.

Ha-kyong is also changed. No longer stodgy, she has opened herself up to see why Jung-hwan fell to the darker path. She understands him better, and she knows how to truly comfort him. The insight her character has into Jung-hwan is deep and moving. Their romance is one based in friendship and mutual respect. That respect was lost, then gained again. How it has come full circle is what makes their relationship pack a punch. Pun intended.

Written by: Raine from 'Raine's Dichotomy'

"Punch - Drama" is directed by Lee Myeong-woo, written by Park Kyeong-soo and Yoon Soo-jeong, and features Kim Rae-won, Kim Ah-joong, Cho Jae-hyun, and Seo Ji-hye.


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